
Case Study

How to Streamline Vendor Credentialing to over 90%

While Reducing Scrub Replacement Costs!

UNC Ambulatory Care Center
Chapel Hill, North Carolina
The UNC Hospitals Ambulatory Care Center (ACC) is a leading facility specializing in outpatient services for adults and children. As part of the esteemed UNC Medical Center, the ACC offers a comprehensive range of specialized clinics, ensuring patients receive top-tier care across various medical disciplines.


Compliance Rate Achieved:
Results Achieved in Less Than:
180 Days
Monthly Vendor Visits:


Core Problem:

Vendors frequently entered perioperative areas without properly changing into designated scrubs, and often left the facility without switching back to street clothes.

This practice violated strict perioperative compliance procedures, increasing the risk of contamination between facilities. Additionally, since vendors were leaving with facility-issued scrubs, many were never returned, leading to significant losses and increased costs for scrub replacements.

The lack of proper oversight not only posed compliance risks but also burdened the facility with higher operational expenses.

Initial Struggle:

In early 2024, UNC Ambulatory Care Center was facing serious perioperative compliance challenges with its vendor management processes.

Compliance rates were initially as low as 40.6%, with non-compliance peaking at 58.1%. The inconsistent adherence to credentialing policies meant staff were spending hours each week manually tracking vendors, diverting valuable time away from patient care.

This inefficiency risked regulatory compliance, creating significant operational burdens. They faced uncomfortable questions from the Joint Commission as the facility struggled to explain why vendors were seen wearing surgical scrubs outside designated areas.

The Solution

Implementation of Compliance Tools
The first phase of the solution launched a targeted Compliance Improvement Plan. This plan focused on tightening control over vendor compliance by sending weekly notifications to vendors who were non-compliant, such as those failing to check in or not meeting credentialing requirements within the IntelliCentrics system.

Enforcing Vendor Lock-Outs
By August, the center escalated compliance efforts with an automated lock-out system, which blocked non-compliant vendors from accessing the facility unless manually overridden. This streamlined process ensured that only fully compliant vendors could proceed, reducing the need for manual interventions.

Data Reporting and Visibility
RepScrubs’ robust reporting system provided detailed compliance data, giving UNC Ambulatory Care Center real-time insights into vendor activities. This increased visibility allowed staff to proactively address non-compliance.

“I’ve always felt very supported… I’ve had a really good experience… I think [working with RepScrubs] was a very strong partnership from the beginning.”

Renee Morell
Renee Morell
Director of Perioperative Services UNC Ambulatory Care Center

The Impact

  • Compliance Improvement: Perioperative compliance rates improved from an average of 50% to nearly 73% within three months.
  • Vendor Visit Management: The compliance of 168 vendor visits per month were efficiently streamlined.
  • Boost in Compliance: After introducing the automated lock-out system in August, compliance rates saw an additional 30% increase, peaking at an impressive 99%.
  • Scrub Cost Savings: Eliminating unauthorized scrub use ensured vendors adhered to proper check-in protocols. UNC ACC reduced scrub replacement costs significantly.

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